Sam Robb Announces Candidacy for the 2020 Presidential Election
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Sam Robb
“Make America Free Again”
PITTSBURGH, PA., April 1, 2019 ( — Today at Prestogeorge Coffee & Tea in Pittsburgh’s Strip District, Sam Robb announced his candidacy for the 2020 elections for the President of the United States of America.
“My intent is to seek the Libertarian Party nomination for President in 2020,” Robb said. “We have two major parties that each want to increase government control. Both consider personal liberty a secondary issue – if they consider it at all. In contrast, The Libertarian Party embodies the freedom-loving, independent spirit of our Founders. If we are to succeed as a nation, we must once again embrace these core ideas of freedom and liberty.”
“Besides,” Robb continued, “the last election didn’t just lower the bar. It broke out a trencher and buried the freaking thing! Are the American people willing to listen to a computer guy from da ‘burgh about how to solve their problems? I am betting the answer is “Yes.” I mean, look at the Democrat field alone. I figure I have to be more appealing, and less appalling, than 98.6% of them.”
Robb is a native of Pittsburgh, PA, a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University, and a former Navy officer. He has worked as a software developer for several successful local startup companies. He is the husband of the wife of his youth, and the proud father of three children.
Learn more about Sam Robb and his campaign by visiting
Sorry Mr. Robb,
Libertarianism is not the answer. Freedom to do what? Freedom to pollute, freedom from regulation of our food supply and safety in our work place, freedom to buy a grenade launcher? True libertarianism would result in chaos. We need cooperation, not everyone looking out for themselves.