Santa Claus Comforts Kids Returning to Uncertain School Situations
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Santa Claus Comforts Kids Returning to Uncertain School Situations

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Image 1: PGH Santa;  Image 2: A new normal for Santa Claus [Click images for larger view]
PITTSBURGH, PA ( — Usually, you sit on his lap, tell him your Christmas wish, explain what you’ve done to stay on the nice list, and then pose for the picture.
But 2020 has prompted Santa to offer a little bit more.
Jonny Kigin (McCandless) also known as PGH Santa, is a real-bearded Santa Claus, or a “Claus Portrayal Artist”. He is offering free virtual visits to children preparing to return to whatever school situation exists for them in a Covid-19 world. “Nothing about the kids’ education is certain right now, except that almost all the kids will be schooling in a different environment than they were in last year.” And he believes that this could prove problematic.
As a father of six, Kigin recognizes the anxiety that parents like him are feeling. “The problem is that, when we’re anxious or stressed, our kids pick up on it, and they feel it too. We have been through crises, and understand that we usually come out of them unscathed. These kids don’t know that. And they’re the ones who will be in the thick of it. I want to help them to feel that it’s going to be okay and that there is something to look forward to; something to hope for.”
He points out that even when the Grinch tried to steal Christmas from the Who’s in Whoville, that Christmas still came. He sees no reason to think that this situation is any different. “2020 has really been a mess. But at the end, Christmas will come.” He is hoping that, by spending time with Santa, and by remembering that Christmas is coming, they might feel a little bit of joy and peace, and, yes, hope, amidst all the uncertainty and turmoil.
Kigin is not accepting payment for this service, but did say that he could accept tips if the parents felt so inclined. “This is helping me as much as it’s helping them. Our whole world has changed, and I need to practice connecting with kids through the camera.” What he does ask is that parents complete a survey at the end of the visit to help him improve his craft.
Parents can register for a timeslot by going to Kigin’s PGH Santa website, or visiting him on Facebook or Instagram.
“Kids are resilient,” Kigin adds, “but I still want to help if I can.”

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