2 mins read

MALCOLM JARRETT, declares run for mayor of Pittsburgh as Socialist Workers Party candidate

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swppittsburgh@gmail.com / 412-610-5402, 412-482-0849
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Malcolm Jarrett declares run for mayor of Pittsburgh as Socialist Workers Party candidate; calls for “solidarity with workers in battle against bosses’ attacks;” announces press conference May 11, 10:30 am City-County building.
PITTSBURGH, PA (PittsburghNewsWire.com) — In publicly announcing his campaign for mayor of Pittsburgh on the Socialist Workers Party ticket, Malcolm Jarrett called on working people to join him “in building solidarity for 1,300 union steelworkers at Allegheny Technologies Inc., and other workers in union battles against bosses’ attacks today.”
“Many workers are facing moves by the bosses to boost their dog-eat-dog competitive edge against their rivals and hike their profits off our backs. Help get out the word about the steelworkers strike and other labor struggles, send messages of support and bring fellow workers you know to join strikers’ picket lines. Press your union to weigh in on these battles, and to turn them into a broader social cause. This is in the interests of all working people.”
Jarrett said the steelworkers are not alone standing up to the bosses pointing to the strike by 1,100 United Mine Workers members in Alabama, and 2,900 United Auto Workers who struck a truck plant in Virginia.
 “I’ve joined picket lines and brought solidarity to steelworkers on strike. Some of my Walmart co-workers and other union supporters have joined me.
“Solidarity can affect the outcome of every labor struggle,” Jarrett said. “Whatever the immediate results, workers involved gain vital experience. We learn what we can accomplish as part of a class through courageous, united and disciplined action. We learn we can only rely on fellow workers — not the bosses and Democratic and Republican parties that serve them.”
Jarrett said the Socialist Workers Party and its candidates present a fighting program aimed at strengthening the consciousness, self-confidence and unity workers need. “If we think of every social and political question — from solidarity with striking workers, to the fight against cop brutality, to the call for amnesty for immigrant workers, to how to fight against the destruction of the environment — as a class question, we’ll get on the right track.
“My campaign says that along this road the working class can build our own party, a labor party. In struggle, we can forge the working-class leadership we need to build a millions-strong movement of the exploited and oppressed to overturn capitalist rule, establish a workers and farmers government and change the world.”


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