Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank to Advocate and Lobby in D.C.
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Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank to Advocate and Lobby in D.C.

Kelli A. Komondor
K2 Creative, LLC
Image 1: Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank logo [Click image for larger view]
WPADB will meet with leaders and advocates with eliminating child poverty at the helm
PITTSBURGH, PA, April 3, 2023 (PittsburghNewsWire.com) — National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN) Lobby Days returns to Washington, D.C. on April 19 and 20, 2023 and the Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank (WPADB) will attend to fight for eliminating diaper need. WPADB Co-Founder and Executive Director Cathy Battle and her husband, Co-Founder Rev. Phillip Battle will join forces with diaper bank leaders across the nation to address the silent crisis while lobbying for legislation supporting families with babies in diapers.
“Statistics show that a third of U.S. families struggle to afford diapers,” Battle stated. “When Phillip and I head to D.C. we are working to change that. Since starting the Diaper Bank in 2012 we have provided over 6.8 million diapers to families in need, and we understand the importance of lobbying for Congress’ support.” WPADB client Jamaica says “This program has been lifesaving at times. Keeping my baby diapered and fed has helped with stress. It’s really helped take a big burden off me.” Federal legislation the Battles and diaper banks advocate for will help support families like Jamaica’s in need of diapers, specifically in the state of PA.
Legislation includes ending diaper tax nationally, which will benefit all families with babies in diapers. Other legislation to help the 1 in 3 families include: funding sustainable, community-based diaper distribution programs and providing diapers to poor and low-income families and a monthly stipend to families to purchase diapers. Specifically for Pennsylvania, the Battles will be lobbying for Bill Number HB229 to establish the Community Diaper and Incontinence Products Grant Fund. The bill would direct the Department of Aging to establish a program to improve access to incontinence supplies and impose powers and duties on the Department of Human Services.
The Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank is one of just 10 banks in the state of PA and is part of the National Diaper Bank Network and its affiliate, the Alliance for Period Supplies. With its warehouse space and advanced inventory system, the organization can receive large-scale and in-kind donations from companies like Huggies, U by Kotex, Baby2Baby, and Grove Collaborative, giving out over 2.5 million products each year to families in crisis. For more information on WPADB, a 501(c)(3) organization, visit wpadiaperbank.org/.
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